The Illustrated Man

Design, Direction & Animation

Ray Bradbury's science fiction anthology, The Illustrated Man, gets transported to 3D worlds by Malte Hemmer and Sam Gilmore. 

The Illustrated Man is a compendium of eighteen short stories told on the skin of a tattooed carnival worker who meets the book's narrator. The man’s tattoos, which he claims were given to him by a time-travelling woman, are animated, each one representing a story in the volume.

The primary themes of the book are that of the advance of technology and how it might combine with humans in surprisingly and terrifying ways. Ray Bradbury is perhaps best known for his work, Fahrenheit 451.

The project was also featured on Maxon's blog.

Created by Sam Gilmore & Malthe Hemmer, Music by Dan Weniger and Sound Effects by Robin Schlochtermeier. Special thanks to Alice Tams for illustration work.

Get yourself a copy of the book here.

Disclaimer. This is a non-profit animation and is not for sale or resale. It is in NO way endorsed by Ray Bradbury's estates nor is it intended to undermine or compete with any existing or forthcoming material.

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